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Antiques and Collectibles
12 Antiques ads

TWIN OAKS REFINISHING AND ANTIQUES. TWIN OAKS REFINISHING AND ANTIQUES. We specialize in restoring all types of furniture. Over 60 years experience. Chair caning and all types of seat materials. We treat your furniture like family! Also do in-home touch-up. 828-264-7765 or 828-963-0147. Find us on Facebook. For Feedback or to Cancel

RADIOS Antique refurbished radios for sale. Floor models and table tops. Mostly wood cabinets. Prices vary. Call before 5pm, (828) 297-2311 or email tom.reahard@yahoo.com For Feedback or to Cancel

ANTIQUE DINING TABLE Solid oak clawfoot table and heavy, solid wood, fabric-covered chairs. Table is approx. 40" in diameter. Excellent condition! $150 OBO. Must be moved immediately! Located in Boone. 828-266-1764. For Feedback or to Cancel